Large Group Retreats
A ten day life skills Intensive.
Program youth have many opportunities to participate in landand ocean-based outdoor experiential activities, which help develop life skills and promote self-esteem, self-confidence,teamwork, and relationship skills.
Activities include sailing voyages, camping, hiking, paddling,geocaching, fishing, and small boat sailing. Youth are actively involved with planning their activities. On every sailing voyage, youth participate in service learning projects. Projects include fishpond restoration, beach clean-ups, lo`i work, and more.
Work to interrupt unsuccessful patterns by empowering youth through challenges, structured curriculum, and new skills for future success.
Help youth develop their capacity for trust, communication, problem-solving, and taking responsibility for their own behaviors.
Promote teamwork through increased positive socialization, relationship-building, and coping skills.
Provide fun and exciting activities that promote personal growth, self-discovery, and increased confidence.
Build positive attitudes towards school, parents, adults, peers, and authority figures.
Promote a stewardship of the “aina” and Hawai`i’s connection to the ocean.